Eco Tips Featured

How-to Reduce Summer Heat in Your Home

With summer right around the corner and the thermostat on the rise, it’s only natural for the electric bill to be on the rise as well. By using household appliances and household electronics is raises the temperature inside your home. Here are 10 tips to help reduce summer heat in your home!

  • Try not to use the oven. Use a microwave oven, or use a barbecue grill.
  • Use a slow cooker to prepare one dish meals without adding extra heat to the house.
  • While cooking put lids on pots and pans to hold the heat in.
  • Most hot water heaters have thermostats that are set to 140 degrees for hot water. It isn’t necessary–turn the thermostat down to 120 or 115.
  • You’ve probably heard that taking a bath uses less water than a shower. That may be true, but if you take a short shower, about 5 minutes, you’ll only be using one third of the amount of hot water than you would with a bath.
  • Don’t use the drying function in your dishwasher. Let the dishes air-dry.
  • Wash only full loads of dishes and clothes. Dry your clothes on hangars or outside.
  • Try to do any ironing all at once to prevent having to heat the iron several times.
  • Do “wet” chores in the early morning or at night when it’s cooler. This will help to keep humidity down. This includes washing clothes or dishes, mopping floors, watering indoor plants, etc.
  • Turn off computers, printers, copiers, and home electronics when they are not in use. Surge protectors that allow you to plug several items into one strip with an on/off switch make this even easier.

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