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Memorial Day Grilling for Meatless Monday

Memorial Day is coming up (and Meatless Monday), and for most folks, that means firing up the grill. If you’re not used to plant-based cooking, it might be hard to imagine grilling without a slab of meat, but there are lots of ways you can cook up veggies on the grill!

Of course, I’d love to see everyone completely nix the animal products on Memorial Day, but if you can’t stomach a totally meatless Memorial Day meal, you can at least go meat-light by incorporating some plant-based recipes alongside the more conventional food you’d serve at a cookout.

Even just cutting back on the meat can make a big environmental impact, and if you choose to serve less meat, you can also spend a bit more to get meat that’s raised in a less environmentally detrimental way, since veggies are a lot more budget-friendly. Yay for saving money, helping the planet, and eating a bit healthier!

Here are some meatless alternatives you can serve at your Memorial Day BBQ!

  • Black Bean Veggie Burgers They are delicious, easy to make, and definitely a crowd pleaser
  • Grilled Portobello Mushrooms- Making a Portobello mushroom burger is a great alternative to a beef burger. Marinate the mushroom in your favorite marinade and cook on the grill.
  • Kebab-   The shish kebab is an American classic. Try making all veggie kebabs with onions, green and red peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, and squash (cut into thick chunks). Season your kebabs in your favorite spices or add some shrimp and scallops to spice them up a bit.

While you’re spending your time with your friends and family, it’s important to remember why we celebrate Memorial Day. It’s a day to remember and honor those that have died protecting our country in the United States Armed Forces. Enjoy your Meatless (hopefully) Memorial Day Monday!