Lawn & Garden

Keep Your Garden Healthy: Tips for Natural Ways to Prevent Pests and Common Plant Diseases

After spending hours tilling and planting the garden, the last thing you want is for all of your plants to become pest infested and/or covered in fungus or powdery mildew. Applying pesticides will add harmful chemicals to your crops, the soil and future plantings as well as effect the flavor of your fruits and vegetables. There are a range of safe and natural things you can do to keep your current and future garden healthy.

Start With the Soil

The soil is the first place to begin controlling disease and insects in an organic garden. Using soil that is full of organic nutrients and matter will help your plants thrive and produce a healthy, productive crop. Insects and diseases thrive off of injured and weak plants, but when they are strong and healthy, garden plants have an ability to change their chemistry naturally in order to defend against its enemies. Things you can do to strengthen the soil include:

  • Adding compost materials to the soil before planting. Items such as egg shells will provide natural nutrients to the soil.
  • Always mulch the surface of the garden to help suppress weeds, protect soil erosion, increase earthworm activity and prevent slugs and snails from taking over. Leaves, straw, pine needles and grass clippings make excellent mulch for a garden.

Prevent Fungus 

The best way to fight fungus in the garden is by using natural items you probably already have in the kitchen. These simple remedies will help to safely and naturally keep out common problems, such as fungus and disease.

  • Apple cider vinegar is excellent for treating a range of plant diseases, such as black spots and powdery mildew. In a spray bottle, mix 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 2 quarts of water. Spray the infected plants with the solution when the temperatures are the coolest, such as in the morning or early evening. Avoid spraying the plants when there is direct sunlight on them and repeat daily until the condition is cured.
  • Milk is an ideal virus and fungus fighter for the garden. To prevent fungus, simply sprinkle a few tablespoons of powdered milk in the soil before planting. If you notice fungus on the leaves of plants, spray a mixture of equal parts of milk and water (1-cup milk and 1-cup water) directly on the infected leaves.
  • Baking soda is an excellent treatment for plant fungus. In a spray bottle, mix 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, a few drops of liquid, biodegradable dish-washing liquid and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Spray the infected plants, including the base of the plant and the underside of leaves.

To help keep your garden healthy year after year, it is important to rotate the crops. Avoid overwatering plants, especially if you are noticing fungus or mildew. An excellent way to improve the health of your garden as well as try new garden foods, is with companion planting. Companion planting simply means arranging plants that are beneficial for each other. For example, planting a strong smelling herb near the vegetables will prevent insects from smelling the vegetable plants.

~Rene W.

Eco Tips Featured Lawn & Garden Recycling

How to Create a Simple Compost Pile

Composting is a wonderful way to reuse kitchen scraps as well as discarded leaves, grass, and garden debris. Combined, these ingredients create a nutrient rich soil that your garden and indoor and outdoor plants will benefit from. There are many different ways you can make and maintain your own compost pile at home.

For inside your home, especially when a backyard is not accessible, you can make a hide-away trash bin in your kitchen to through away table scraps, any leaves you may pick up, newspapers, paper towels, cardboard and any other biodegradable materials you may find. Add water to keep your compost moist but never a watery consistency. It normally takes a couple of weeks for the compost to be ready. Use the compost soil at the bottom of the pile and use it for indoor plants or discard the soil at a local garden center or forest.

If you have a backyard, here are some different ways to create a simple compost pile:

  • For a homemade, standard compost pile, you will need three, five foot 2×4 wood slabs, a spool of mesh or chicken wiring and a staple gun. Cut the 2×4’s in half.  Find a secluded spot in your yard to put your compost pile.  Depending on how big you want your compost pile, measure and mark the area before building.  Once you’ve measured a space, place three pieces of the wood parallel to one another with enough space in between.  Place the mesh wiring on the inside of the wood slabs and then staple them to the wood.  Once assembled, begin composting!
  • If you don’t want to create your own compost pile, you can buy one from a Home Depot or Lowe’s hardware store.  You can also order compost bins online at or
Eco Tips Featured

6 Eco-Friendly Resolutions To Put Into Practice

As the current year comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to assess how we have been running our lives and homes. Most of us can easily take a step back, learn to plan better, and put a few smart practices into place.

Reuse and recycle by donating your stuff. The New Year provides a good opportunity to clean out, simplify and start fresh. Have household items you no longer use? Give them away on Have clothes or shoes you don’t wear anymore? Donate the items to a local shelter, drop off at Goodwill or host a clothing swap.

Go dairy free and meat free once a week. Join “Meat Free Mondays” and make a green, animal-friendly, earth-friendly resolution for the coming year. By going meat free, you reduce your carbon footprint, limit cancer risk, reduce the risk of diabetes, help curb obesity and lessen the chances of heart disease.

Grow something. Start small with a pot of basil or thyme on your patio or kitchen windowsill. Plants give off additional oxygen, help clean the air, and bring living energy to a room. Having your own pesticide-free organic herbs to use when cooking isn’t a bad thing either.

Install and use smart power strips. Get in the habit of using smart power strips to turn off TV’s, computers, kitchen appliances, and other electronics completely. You just might notice your electric bill go down.

Replace the standard light bulbs in your home with compact fluorescent ones. Energy-smart bulbs use 70-75% less energy than incandescent bulbs and last up to ten times longer.

Replace your air conditioner filter every 30 to 60 days. A dirty filter will block the airflow and cost you more to run since the unit has to work twice as hard. Have extra filters on hand at all times.